
Senin, 04 Juni 2012

my family

many years ago,
many changes happened.

bukan pesawat

bawa aku ke bulan
dengan perahu itu.

Lily Pad

Lily Pad never complaints.
Lily Pad never wants to know what's going on.
Put a plant on top of Lily Pad, he won't say a thing.
Does he have startling opinions or shocking secrets?
Nobody knows.
Lily Pad keeps it all inside.


ada ruang yang terbentuk dari diam
dari sisa-sisa malam yang coba diredam dan dipendam
semuanya kelam
seperti matahari yang tenggelam pelan-pelan, dalam diam
diam yang paling diam.

if one day you fel like..

if one day you feel like crying..
call me.
I don't promise that I will make you laugh
but I can cry with you.

If one day you want to run away..
don't be afraid to call me.
I don't promise to ask you stop
but I can run with you.

If one day you don't want to listen anyone..
just call me.
I promise to be there for you
and I promise to be very quiet.

but if one day you call..
and there is no answer..
come fast to see me.
perhaps I need you.