
Senin, 30 Mei 2011

My Presentation

Assalamualaikum wr.wb, good evening everybody, thank you for coming to my presentation, my name is Diwiasti Firdausi Yasmin. Today, I’d like to present about anemia.

As we know, anemia is a condition when the amount of hemoglobin in red blood cells is below normal. So, the blood can not transport oxygen in the required amount.

I’m going to divide this presentation into three parts.
First, i will talk about the causes of anemia.
After that, i’ll explain about symptoms of anemia.
And the last, i’d like to talk about prevention of anemia.

Lets begin with the first part.
Causes of anemia
anemia can be caused by several things,
1. It can be caused by Heavy bleeding. That’s why almost of all anemia sufferer is women because every month, women gets mentruation.

2. Reduced red blood cell formation. It can occurs to someone with
• Iron deficiency
• Lack of vitamin B12. Vitamin B12 deficiencies are often attacked in the vegetarians because vitamin B12 is found only in animal produced foods.
• Lack of folic acid.
• Lack of vitamin C

3. Pregnancy. A pregnant women have a risk to get anemia because the baby absorb iron and vitamins from her/his mom for growth.

4. Drugs. Some types of drugs may cause problems in absorption of iron, like antacid.

5. The increased destruction of red blood cells. it’s occurs in people with liver enlargement or spleen enlargement.

let’s move to second part, Symptoms of anemia
Anemia can gives some typical symptoms,like
Fatigue, difficult to concentration, easy to feel sleepy, pale skin color, and headache. If the anemia gets worse, it can increase the heartbeat, and fainting.

And the last, the third part is about the prevention of Anemia
Anemia can be prevented by:
first. eating a balanced nutritious diet. both in terms of iron, vitamin B12, vitamin C and folic acid.
1. Iron can be obtained by eating meat, dark green vegetables such as spinach, beans. Iron contained in meat is easier to absorbed than iron in vegetables or in foods like cereal.
2. Vitamin B12. We can get vitamin B12 from animal produced foods. (meat, fish, eggs, milk)
3. folic acid. mainly found in green vegetables
4. vitamin C. we can get vitamin C from any kind of fruits, like oranges, strawberry, watermelon, pineapple, papaya, tomato, avocado, etc.

second. don’t smoke and don’t drink alcohol

third. Don’t drink tea too often

and fourth. please exercise regularly.

in conclusion, although anemia is rarely causes death, it’s good for us to know more about anemia and its prevention.

And that brings me to the end of my presentation. If there are any question, i’d be glad to answer them.

Thank you for your attention. I hope it can be useful for us. Wassalamualaikum wr.wb.

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